Monday, August 20, 2012

Some Tidbits

I'd love to write an inspired, thoughtful post full of deep remarks and possibly some photos, but my computer died. Major boo. It's going to the Mac doctor in a day or two to see if it's a just one hundred buckaroos to make it better or if it's had its final hoorah. Being without it puts a damper on my writing brain, as well as takes away some photos that I've been meaning to post. So instead I will write some tidbits from my life this week to tuck away for future reference.

{1} Declan slept through the night three times a few weeks ago. And not the technical (aka fake) sleep through the night defined as "six hours of straight night sleep." Nope, it was a hardy 8:00-6:00 z-time. But alas, it was a tease. He just wanted to stretch his wings, show me what he could do, and then slowly regress from a 4:30 to 3:30 to 2:30 wake-up time. He's great once fed and goes right back to sleep, so I'm really not complaining much, but getting that brief glimpse of a rockstar sleep pattern has taken away the shimmer of this good one. In time, in time.

{2} We went a whole summer without going to a pool, and in the course of one week have now been in three different ones a total of four times. He loves it.

{3} The mornings recently have been slightly chilled. Beautiful glimpses of fall, my absolute favorite season that I am itching to start. Once again though, I'm trying that patience thing out and soaking in as much of summer as I can before its gone.

{4} My go-to summer nail polish this year has been a funky orange-coral. Crisp and colorful, it's simply perfect for summer.

{5} Chocolate chips do not make it in this house for long. Apparently I've decided that the extra calories needed for Declan must come from cocoa. It's another love/hate cycle, much like the brownie eating.

{6} A few weeks ago I was praying to lose all my extra pregnancy hair since it was just so thick. (For those who don't know, apparently there is a hormone that keeps you from losing hair in pregnancy, so coupled with prenatals, you have a gloriously shiny, thick mane.) Anyway, I lost it. In handfuls all week. And all of a sudden I feel almost bald. A bit dramatic, but it's definitely thinner.

{7} I bought baby shoes for Declan today. He's never worn any, probably never will, but at $1.99 they were just too adorable to resist. So resist I did not.

{8} Newsroom on HBO is amazingness. I'm sad to see it ending, but can't wait for some Parenthood to start!

{9} I just had to open my back-up travel ketchup because we are out. That should never happen.

So once again, I leave with some randomness. Happy week!


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Comments are kinda the best and brighten my day! :)

And psst... I'd really love to write back, but usually do so through email, so I hope you're not a no-reply commenter!