Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Our Little Lion

This little lion is in the running for a $500 gift card to Old Navy through a local group called Bump Club Austin. 

That means there aren't many contestants and we have a chance. 
And we all know $500 at Old Navy goes a loooong way. 
And will be especially needed with the second chiclet on the way!

We started a day later than that (albeit, adorable) ghost in first place, so we need some help.

So please, please, please... 
(just click above.)
It's through Facebook, once a day, and only goes through Halloween. 

You might even get a roar video later this week if you do.
And that, my friends, is quite a TREAT. 



  1. Christina....
    Aw, he is so adorable!! I love, love, love lions!! Where is he at? The zoo? Just wondering!! ;)
    Good luck, Friend!! ;-D

  2. for this little lion, done and done

  3. Oh my gosh---Adorable. Voting Now.

  4. Ugh! Sister! If I were a facebooker you better believe I'd be all over voting for this little lion of yours! ***Insert hearts in eyes emoticon, here*** Good luck to you guys!!!


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