Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weekly Photos- 19, 20, 21, 22, 23

A little behind doesn't begin to cover where we stand on these. And the title is kiiinda fibbing a bit, (okay, 2/5 of the way) because weeks 20 and 21 don't exist. #hangsheadinshame

Oh well. If missing two weeks of weekly photos are the biggest problems I'm facing today, then I'm off to go win me some $$$!

{"Everybody was kung-fu fighting!" Little Bruce Lee in the making.}
{it looks very much like a careful first step to me. Plus pouty lips = <3 meltage}
And with that, I'd like to welcome the weekend with open arms. You know, because as a SAHM it's night and day from the normal grind.

Let's take a little of Dex's kung-fu energy and go CONQUER this Saturday. Whaddya say?



Comments are kinda the best and brighten my day! :)

And psst... I'd really love to write back, but usually do so through email, so I hope you're not a no-reply commenter!