Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Story of My Life, Condensed Like Sweet Milk

Here I am. The first of May, sitting down to start this freakin' challenge. I have banana nut muffin pancakes in my belly and eyelids that are just a bit too heavy. The baby is sleeping, the husband is still sleeping, and I am going to persevere and tell you the story of my life in roughly 250 words.

I was born on January 30, 1987 in Baltimore, Maryland to a mid-western mother and British father. Their love of traveling is now instilled in me, and I’m thankful to have been taken exploring as a child. Beyond that, my childhood was pretty true to the region- firefly catching at dusk, running barefoot in alleys, sailing on the bay, wearing pajamas inside-out-and-backwards to bring on the snow then tunneling through on the rare times it did. My friends and I were entrepreneurs- holding yard sales and pet sitting services and sending off inspired beanie baby ideas. Most of this actually hasn't changed.

I went to my neighborhood Catholic grade school and a Lutheran high school. My father is agnostic, mother is Quaker, and husband is atheist, so there are quite a few religious viewpoints welled up in my mind, the combination of which has led to a belief that love and kindness are what matter most.

When Charm City life got stale (at the ripe old age of 21), my pup and I up and moved to Austin, TX. In those five years I met and married my beau, finished my undergrad degree, had a dashing baby, and bought a house. I still miss my mom and home on the regular, will never truly be a Texan, and rarely feel like I'm doing enough. But I love Austin, love my family, and really, truly love my chosen path.


And so concludes day one. 

Can I get a what-WHAT!

Baby is now up and splashing in the dog water bowl for the 123rd time since discovery approximately 22 hours ago, so I think it's time to peace.

Until tomorrow,

**Make sure to go check out others' stories at Story Of My Life!**



  1. This was awesome, Christina!! GOOD JOB!! That was really beautiful and concise at the same time. Loved this: "the combination of which has led to a belief that love and kindness are what matter most..." YES! That's about all I know at the moment, too. :)

  2. PS - It is kind of creepy how much that baby's face looks like your current face. I mean, I know it's you and all, but usually you don't look the same as when you were a baby. Your cheeks have obviously thinned out substantially though...

    Am I digging myself into a hole here? OK, I'll stop now...

  3. Love your post! You seem darling and I too am excited to follow along this month!

  4. I love this, especially about love being what matters most, and about loving your CHOSEN path. We believe a lot of the same things! :)

  5. I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment :)

  6. Yay for Maryland girls! The best in the world :)

  7. Listen, we're gonna be friends.

    I feel it in my bones, or my finger tips as I type this.

  8. I'm a Baltimore girl, myself! Too bad you're not still in Charm City :) Excited to read more about you this month!

  9. Hey, I found you through Jenni's link-up and I love your story! Especially your entrepreneurial spirit and "belief that love and kindness are what matter most." Amen.

  10. I remember your Mom like that, it is around the time that I met your family! I don't think I have any pithy quotes in my post, but at least I got it done before midnight! LOL

  11. If only you could bring the good things about home with you when you moved away...
    If that were the case, I would've been out of here a long time ago. As long as you love the way it turned out, that's all the matters :)

  12. Hi there ! I found your lovely blog after your comment on my own blog. Love your first installment in the challenge. Hope your enjoy the rest.

  13. Aww such a lovely photograph, I am jealous of your childhood! Sounds so fun! I got super nostalgic reading that first paragraph! Will be coming back to read more :)

    1. Thanks Jasmine!! I get all nostalgic too. I guess one of the fun things about having kids yourself is you get to create their childhood and relive certain parts vicariously. Glad you came by to visit!! :)

  14. My husband and I drove down (from Iowa) to Texarkana to elope...and see a Ranger's game. I'd love to be a Texan! :)

  15. :) I enjoyed getting this peek into more of who you are. (Currently scanning your archives, looking through your challenge posts.)



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